ĐỀ AV 12 – D1 – 722 Page 1 of 4
MÔN ANH VĂN : LỚP 12 - Năm học 2010-2011
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ: 722

Read the passage and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) is the most appropriate to each
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the (1) _____ by which man pollutes his
surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (2) ______ the water with chemicals and other
substances, and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and (3) _______. Man also pollutes his
surroundings in various other ways. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing
mankind today. Air, water, and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can
cause illness, and (4) ________ death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil (5)
_______ the amount of land that is available for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings
ugliness to man's naturally beautiful world.
1/ A. roads B. ways C. streets D. paths
2/ A. damages B. supplies C. provides D. contaminates
3/ A. pesticides B. dirty C. substances D. pollution
4/ A. even B. therefore C. moreover D. so
5/ A. makes up B. increases C. grows D. reduces
Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
6/ _"Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy."
_" _____________. I can manage"
A. No, thanks B. Sorry C. You are welcome D. Yes, please
7/ This superhighway is about 7000 miles in _______ .
A. width B. depth C. length D. weight
8/ Endangered animals should be well protected in their natural___________.
A. situation B. habitat C. position D. status
9/ "Would you mind if I smoked?" - " _________".

20/ The furniture was so expensive that I didn't buy it.
A. The furniture was very expensive that I didn't buy it.
B. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy it.
C. The furniture was too expensive that I didn't buy it.
D. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
21/ Choose the word that has a stress pattern different from those of the rest
A. accurate B. protection C. subject D. surgeon
22/ There are different ______ of books for people to read in different ways.
A. types B. styles C. sizes D. models
23/ Different conservation measures ______ so as to save vulnerable species.
A. can't have been taken B. would have taken
C. have been taken D. must have taken
24/ Which underlined part of the following words is sounded differently from those of the rest?
A. Aborigine B. digest C. type D. describe
25/ "You can all come to my party?" - " __________ "
A. Yes, already B. Excellent ! C. Yes, I shall. D. Thanks a lot
26/ " Do you mind driving?" - " ________ "
A. I'm feeling pretty tired. B. You're welcome
C. Yes, please D. Never mind, thank you
27/ I didn't meet him yesterday. He ________ on business.
A. must go B. must have gone
C. should have gone D. should go
28/ It's a pity she didn't take her doctor's advice. She wishes ________.
A. she took her doctor's advice B. she had taken her doctor's advice
C. she takes her doctor's advice D. she would take her doctor's advice
29/ Which underlined part needs to be corrected ?
+ The tourist guide only has a twenty-dollar bill with her when she landed at the airport
A. has B. when C. twenty-dollar bill D. at
30/ Reviewers describes this novel _____ " hard-to-put-down".
A. resembles B. like C. about D. as

42/ ________________, I would have learned how to read.
A. Unless I had been go to school as a child
B. Had I been able to go to school as a child
C. If I could be able to go to school as a child
D. If I been able to go to school as a child
43/ I ________ with my parents here when I was a child.
A. have lived B. had lived C. lived D. was living
44/ The diesel engine was named ________ its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
A. along B. to C. after D. with
45/ Inflation and unemployment can ______ some companies to the verge of bankruptcy.
A. show B. cause C. drive D. led

Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions below.
Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the questions.
In the beautiful highlands of Scotland, there is a lake called the Loch Ness. In these peaceful
surroundings, a sea monster known as the 'Loch Ness Monster' is said to be living in the lake. This
creature, affectionately known as 'Nessie', has been reported to be seen by many people around the lake.
According to these people, Nessie looked like a creature from the dinosaur age. It had a huge body, a small
reptilian head and a long neck.
Does the Loch Ness Monster really exist? No one can tell for sure. Ever since the sighting of the monster,
many people have been keeping watch at the lake, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nessie. In 1934, a doctor,
Colonel Robert Wilson, even managed to photograph the creature. The picture revealed a creature with a
long neck sticking out of the water.
Where could the Loch Ness Monster have come from? One explanation given is that the monster is a pre-
historic creature which lived in the days of the dinosaurs. While other dinosaurs have died out and become
extinct, this creature has somehow managed to adapt to its surroundings and live on ! 46/ What is the passage about?
A. Loch Ness Lake B. The Lock Ness Monster

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