Tìm hiểu về những thách thức đổi mới kỹ năng đọc hiểu của sinh viên năm thứ nhất không chuyên Anh. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10 - pdf 25

Luận văn tiếng Anh:Investigating the reading skill challenges of the first-year non-major students of English = Tìm hiểu về những thách thức đổi mới kỹ năng đọc hiểu của sinh viên năm thứ nhất không chuyên Anh. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
Chủ đề:Kỹ năng đọc
Tiếng Anh
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Đọc hiểu
Miêu tả:42 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis. English Methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
With an investigation of challeges to reading skills at Hatay Community College, the purpose of the current study was to uncover challenges to such reading sub-skills as reading for specific information, finding the main ideas, guessing vocabulary from context, and making inferences. There were 100 students participating in the study. They were the first year non-majored English students. The instrument used was two reading tests. For the data analysis, statistic description (percentage) was adopted. Results of the study indicated that making inferences was the most challenging, and reading for specific information was the least challenging to the students. In terms of making inferences, they showed their weak ability in using contextual clues, making connections among ideas in the text as well as their poor background knowledge. In terms of finding the main ideas, they expressed their difficulties in distinguishing important and less important information, recognizing the topic sentence and making connections among ideas too. In terms of guessing vocabulary from context, they presented their limited knowledge of vocabulary, lack of word recognition skills and word meaning skills. In terms of reading for specific information, they exposed their problems on identifying key words and dealing with wh-questions
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