Đề thi HSG Huyện Tiếng Anh 9 - Pdf 77

§Ò thi häc sinh giái cÊp huyÖn líp 9
N¨m häc: 2006 -2007
M«n: tiÕng anh
( Thêi gian lµm bµi 150 phót)
I : Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form. (2,0 m)
1. They wish it ( not rain) much in London.
2. It

s time we ( leawe) for the air port.
3. He said the earth ( be) round.
4. Don

t regret ( tell) her what I thought.
5. Is there any thing here worth ( buy )?
II: Choose the best answer to complete each sentences. (4,0 m)
1. The final……. of the play will take place on Sarturday.
A-action B- performance C- view D- sight.
2. As it hasn

t rained for several months, there was a…………of water.
A- water B- shortage C – drop D- less.
3. Modern buildings should………….with the surrounding area.
A – suit B – fit C- blend D- job.
4. The……….thought of exams makes her feel ill.
A – sole B – only C – little D- mere.
5. Does she have a hard time……….English?
A – to speak B – speak C – speaking D- spoken.
6. I

m sure , she is……………..lies.

4. The old lady hid all her……..( save) under the floor.
5. In her……….she was a well – known singer ( young).
VI : Fill in the blank with a suitable word. (4,0 m)
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the way…….
man polluted his………..
Man dities the air…………..
gasses and smoke,
poison the………………
with chemicals and other substances, and damages
with too many fertilizers and pesticides…………..
pollules his sursoundings……………
various other ways, For example,
natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land
the waler, They operate the machines and motor vehicles

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